Summer sunset in Kenai Alaska

Where are you now? Live your best life. Come home.

Grace Happens.

If you feel a yearning within you to experience belonging, connection, and direction …
Let’s connect at “Open the Present with Pegge” weekly column on the free Substack platform. Posts, notes, and subscriber Zoom opportunities will share stories and tips to help you trust your intuition, voice, spirit, and life—to live the truth of your unique presence and abilities, however life shows up.

Welcome! I’m Pegge.

Open the Present® to live your best life.

There’s magic in the ordinary, everyday. I know this through deep despair, burnout, radical healing, sanctuary in nature, and delicious delight in the present moment.

Are you ready for deliberate change, in threshold or bardo time, or seeking transformation and healing related to grief and loss, stress, or over-commitment? Do you desire a reset, renewal, or strategic and thoughtful change?

Explore the now of your life and what’s becoming in Alaska at a VIP retreat day at my home and lodge, the River Raven Sanctuary—a place to connect, create, and celebrate. Check-in for a VIP Day, weekend, or week to unplug and renew, join a self-paced daily life retreat, or meet with me 1-1 for Soul-Flow companioning or coaching.

I look forward to meeting you through my weekly column “Open The Present with Pegge” on Substack where you can become a free or paid subscriber, through my books, when we connect online or meet in person at workshops and retreats, or through coaching and soul-care.

Signup to receive monthly e-news reflections and occasional surprises!

Is it your time to Open the Present™? I’d be honored to be part of your journey.


Wake up. Be courageous.
Meet yourself through listening and reflection.
Greet your world. Unwrap possibility. Seed time.
Discover how to express in words & action what matters most to you & yours.
Captivate vitality. Savor now.
Where do you experience beauty, belonging, and the significant in everyday life?

Trust your intuition and instincts.
Our bodies are wise. Be brave. Believe.
— Pegge